A Global Evolution Expanding Human Consciousness

The vision of the Marcus Garvey Institute for Human Development is to educate humans to their full potential. We view humans as the highest manifestation of divine creativity — spiritual, mental and physical beings.

Our focus is the development of civilized living within society, from the mental perspective of psychology, philosophy and intellectual capacity, as well as leadership and the physical sciences.

We provide the collaborative infrastructure to the innovation ecosystem — empowering people, organizations and systems with the tools, knowledge, skills and connections they need to solve complex social challenges.


“We are going to emancipate ourselves from mental slavery because whilst others might free the body, none but ourselves can free the mind. Mind is your only ruler, sovereign. The man who is not able to develop and use his mind is bound to be the slave of the other man who uses his mind.

- Marcus Mosiah Garvey

7 Pillars of Impact

Ancient Seven Principles of Ma'at which are Truth, Balance, Order, Harmony, Righteousness, Morality, and Justice.

Marcus Garvey established the ideological pillars of 20th-century pan-Africanism in promoting self-determination and self-reliance for Africa’s independence. In 1917, Garvey organized six million members under the Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League to unite all African people. He is the first and greatest black orator of the twentieth century. He created a movement based on human consciousness and servant leadership, the institute will carry out this legacy for generations to come.

One God. One Aim. One Destiny.

  • "Intelligence rules the world, ignorance carries the burden." - Marcus Garvey

    Transforming education for and about people of African ancestry in order to go beyond “inclusion in a burning house,” as James Baldwin once put it, is a formidable task. To attack the roots of our miseducation, cultural annihilation, and economic subordination, we must undo the entrenched system of thought that has justified our predicament. Thus, Black education is more than a “minority” issue. As history has taught us, our particular wrong is a reflection of the more general state of injustice here and elsewhere that calls us to action.

    Joyce E. King

    Benjamin E. Mays Endowed Chair for Urban Teaching, Learning & Leadership

    Georgia State University

    Founder, The Academy for Diaspora Literacy, Inc.


  • "God and Nature first made us what we are, and then out of our own created genius we make ourselves what we want to be. Follow always that great law. Let the sky and God be our limit and Eternity our measurement." - Marcus Garvey

    Illuminating a comprehensive, cohesive, coherent path to the higher stages of individual and collective human development around which the heights of knowledge across cultural groups converge.

    Linda James Myers, Ph.D.

    Professor Emerita

    College of Arts and Sciences

    Department of African American and African Studies The Ohio State

    University College of Medicine Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health


    The Development of Optimal Psychology

    For Linda James Myers, Ph. D., questions about transcendent human development have been at the core of her work for over four decades. An academy professor emeritus at Ohio State University, is known internationally for her development of the theory of optimal psychology, also called optimal conceptual theory. The theory emerged from the need to understand among other things how humans could build a social structure rationalizing the enslavement of other human beings as chattel—and also how African people endured centuries of such unprecedented enslavement to emerge as the moral and spiritual leaders of this nation toward equity for all. She holds that the unhealthy, fractured suboptimal worldview dominant in much of Western society underlies racism and other inequities. In contrast, there is a healthy unitary, optimal worldview that emerges from the wisdom tradition of African deep thought, which promotes healing and sustainable well-being.

    Her theory of optimal psychology provides a framework for understanding the current social and political climate, helps us see how buying into a suboptimal worldview cuts you off also from the unitary nature being, hindering abilities to discern the interrelatedness and interconnected of all things, moral order, fair assignment of value, and just allocation of opportunity. Further consequences include an externalized sense of identity and a fragile personality prone to insecurity, stress, fear, anxiety/depression, rage, addictions, violence, denial, projection and other injurous outcomes.

    Race is a social construct created to serve as the elusive justification for assigning value and allocating opportunity based on phenotypic differences such as skin color, privileging Whites and disenfranchising Blacks. With the suboptimal mindset support for materialism, self-indulgence, and systems of dehumanization are seldom overridden by values for equity, justice, or human decency. The suboptimal mindset sanctioned the kidnap, capture, and trafficking of millions of Africans to America to build the material wealth of the captors, this nation, and most of the Western world. It also failed to provide the mechanisms for honest self- correction of blatant contradictions. For example, claiming to build a democracy with freedom and justice for all, but excluding the humans held captive, enslaved as property without any human rights. Our current social and political climate is still grounded in the fragmented suboptimal view which prevents adherents from being fully in touch with their own humanity and the capacity to recognize and honor that of others. Examples include the currently common denial of what is true by many and propagation of “alternative facts” by those committed to dismantling democracy for their own suboptimal interest.

    And that's why Black Lives Matter still exists in the 21st century to proclaim and insist on the acknowledgement of the humanity of Black people. Until people began to penetrate to the core roots of racism and other societal isms, which optimal psychology posits is a faulty worldview, mindset, or conceptual system, overcoming those societal “isms will remain an impossibility.

    Optimal psychology helps explain why it has taken the APA about a century and three-quarters to come to this realization, as professionals assumedly trained and devoted to exploring and improving the mental health of human beings. The apology can become an important first step affecting the field and society if it encourages honest acknowledgement of systemic racism and deep understanding of its negative impact on its targets and perpetrators of the injustice and inhumanity. Essential is openness to building the capacity to make needed changes within the profession, and society at large, will require accessing the knowledge, wisdom, and understanding existing beyond the current mainstream. The good news is that those equipped to assist are ready to help, having done so successfully for many others over the decades.

    Having recently retired from decades as a full-time tenured professor, the advice I would you give to people seeking tenure is to look for universities and environments committed to true diversity, not just the superficial appearance of diversity. We really need educators who realize that what we've been doing has gotten us to where we are now and to go forward with the transformative change is required.

    With the decision to shift one’s consciousness from suboptimal to optimal, one engages in the developmental process of adopting and sustaining the lived ancient African tradition of wisdom that is optimal psychology. The theory of optimal psychology provides a framework for shifting consciousness to experience a healthy, holistic, integrative reality that is sustainable. It encourage the creation of your best self, thinking critically and deeply, learning to stand for what you know in your heart is right and illuminate your soul. That's what we need today to bring harmony and balance capable of creating a just, sacred sustainable world where peace is possible. Dr. James Myers continues to teach, train, and write about how to live and sustain optimal psychology, individually and collectively, illuminating the soul and elevating the human spirit to the higher stages of human development.

  • "Be temperate in everything you do. Learn self-control. By self-control, you can conquer every bad-habit. If you follow this rule, you will beat down every bad habit. Always see the injury that the bad habit will do you. " -Marcus Garvey

    Overall conscious awareness is the major determinant of health, healing and the prevention of disease, as it regulates the mind and body. So we can be consciously creating health, instead of unconsciously creating disease and illness. Our health is therefore largely our responsibility.

    Dr. Julius W. Garvey, O.J.

    Retired CEO of Garvey Vascular Specialist

    M.D., C.M. McGill University Faculty of Medicine

    Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons

    The American College of Surgeons

    The International College of Surgeons Diplomate of the Board of Cardiothoracic & Vascular Surgery,

    The American Board of Surgery


    By Julius W. Garvey, M.D.

    The main principle of health and wellness is that the mind controls the body and that freedom from disease depends upon the clarity of our conscious awareness bringing mind and body into balance with our environment and therefore maintaining a state of health as a dynamic equilibrium of mind, body and environment. Meditation is a means of transforming human consciousness away from a programmed structure with a preconceived culturally determined repeating pattern, to a living experience of each moment, open to insight, creativity and innovation based on cosmic principles grounded in the oneness of the universal field and therefore achieving clarity of mind. In essence transcending the mind. One harmonizes the psychological self and the socio-physical environment and is free to function as a participant in the evolutionary process of creating the well being and prosperity of self and others, without bias. Healing-oriented medicine takes account of the whole person (spirit, mind and body) as well as all aspects of lifestyle and environment. It focuses on health and healing rather than on disease and treatment.

    Health can best be defined as wholeness which means complete and perfect, lacking nothing. A whole perfect person lacking nothing. The components of the whole therefore have to be functionally integrated in harmonious balance, (spirit, mind and body). Whole is related in root meaning to holy, that is approaching absolute reality. So the individual must reflect the divine source as much as possible. Being whole and healthy should therefore approximate divine perfection. Spiritual health and physical health are thus linked by mental health in a trinitarian process. To be perfectly healthy all three must be in harmony and play their part for the individual to be healthy and contribute to a healthy environment. We cannot separate the 3 parts and treat them as distinct entities with the physical domicile as the only commonality. Health therefore is a dynamic interactive relationship between all forces making up an individual and the surrounding environment, orchestrated by conscious wisdom aware of the ever-changing life situations and maintaining harmony and balance. Healing is a homeostatic mechanism of the mind/body complex that is innate and goes into action when there is disequilibrium. External material things are never the total cause of disease but need a susceptible host to manifest symptoms of disease. For example in the Covid pandemic severity of disease, hospitalizations and deaths were highest in the individuals with preexisting adverse health conditions,

    We do need the appropriate knowledge of spirit, mind, body and environment to manage our health responsibly.

  • “Let no voice but your own speak to you from the depths. Let no influence but your own raise you in time of peace and time of war. Hear all, but attend only that which concerns you.” - Marcus Garvey

  • “The race needs workers at this time, not plagiarists, sopists and mere imitators; but men and women who are able to create, to originate and improve, and thus make an independent racial contribution to the world and civilization.” - Marcus Garvey


    At MGIHD, our vision goes beyond getting people back to work. We focus on the whole person to develop the personal and professional skills they need to have an impact in their future roles and empower their communities.

    Our passion for technology fuels its integration into our training methods. We leverage strong relationships with our partner firms and our collective experience of several decades to deliver highly employable and well-trained populations to local employers.

    The Marcus Garvey Institute for Human Development is a not for profit organization that focuses on maximizing the creative use of human potential.

    Our workforce development platform is designed to bridge the gas between education and industry in our training module.

    The educational system has to cater to the needs of the different industries and industry has to participate in the educational process.

    The Business and Service Model The Institute's workforce development model is designed to target untapped talent from economically disadvantaged backgrounds, to provide skills training, character development and job placement.

    We focus on the 18-26 year old as two thirds of American workers do not have 4 year college degree which is not necessary for the skill set needed for this 4th industrial revolution.

    Externally we are customer oriented building relationships based on mutual respect, communication and satisfactory performance of our trainees.

    Industry needs to provide mentorship, financial support, research and leadership training.

    The Benefits of the Institute's Workforce Development Pillar The construction, manufacturing and technology sectors currently face significant labor shortages. The Institute is committed to improving the skills of individuals deserving an opportunity in these fast-paced sectors. We want to increase the pool of locally skilled workers who can enter the workforce with a pathway leading to a fulfilling career.

    The Institute's Workforce Development Service Delivery Model The Institute provides a learning experience that prepares individuals to become successful in the construction trades, as well as cloud-based technology training. The instructors are all certified in their industry areas, and have worked in the respective industries a minimum of ten years. The Institute provides industry Job Coaches to work with participants after they are placed with an employer. Participants receive mentoring and coaching for three months during their apprenticeship prior to the on the Job Training phase. This probationary period adds to the level of success a student will experience, as it develops character, social values and leadership skills useful in the workplace and community. Starting salary for workers with skills training, placed in entry level positions is two to three times the current minimum wage.

    The Marcus Garvey Institute and affiliates partners: GTEC partners includes Bechtel, McDermott, Zachary Group, USW Local 13-243, Michael and Susan Dell Foundation, Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Oracle, NCCER, ExxonMobil, Shell and Valero.

    The Marcus Garvey Institute Workforce Development Learning Experience

    Phase One:

    Life Skills

    The Essential LifeSkills for Career and Life Success was designed for the participants. The two-week class focuses on the unique need of the person to become aware and confident of their abilities and capability to change and become the person they desire. Participants learn about their interest, values, goals, personality style, learning style and self motivation needed for success.

    Participants learn communication models for the workplace, how to receive and accept feedback, managing conflicts and dealing with stress. Emphasis is placed on changing personal habits that serve as barriers to achieving employment and new career/life goals. We encourage participants to use their talents to control the circumstances that may have limited their past work success. This prepares the student for developing the mental skills and attitudes necessary for achievement in the workplace.

    Phase Two:

    Vocational Training:

    Vocational Track 1: Construction Craft Trades Participants participate in a construction craft trades certification class utilizing materials developed and supported by the National Center for Construction Education and Research (NCCER). The class is both lecture and hands on learning. Students learn safety awareness and how to identify and use hand tools and other craft tools that they will be expected to know how to use on a work site. Students are exposed to the necessary tools and equipment that prepares them for entry level positions as Iron worker helper, Pipefitter helper, Boilermaker helper, Civil helper, among other crafts. We believe this prepares our students for greater success and acceptance by senior craft professionals.

    Vocational Track 2:

    Cloud Based Technology Gateway

    • Cloud Platforms (Google workspace; Microsoft Office Suite)

    • Citizens Developers (Intro to no/low code development; Intro to post-production)

    Google App sheet and Google Tables (no-code): Adobe Creative Cloud Microsoft Power Apps (low code); Post-Production Personal Project

    Phase Three:

    Job Placement and Coaching

    Participants who successfully complete Phases One and Two of the respective training program will be matched with employer partners for job placement. The Institute maintains an active role and interest in the student's job success.

    We believe that in producing the skillsets that the economy needs now, on the job creativity, innovation, entrepreneurial and leadership skills will develop the products and services that the population requires now and in the future.

  • “Every student of political science, every student of political economy, every student of economics knows that the race can only be saved through a solid industrial foundation; that the race can only be saved through political independence. Take away industry from a race, take away political freedom from a race and you have a slave race.” - Marcus Garvey

  • “Every student of political science, every student of political economy, every student of economics knows that the race can only be saved through a solid industrial foundation; that the race can only be saved through political independence. Take away industry from a race, take away political freedom from a race and you have a slave race.” - Marcus Garvey

Programmatic Case Studies

Bridging the digital divide through technology training
& workforce development.

The Why

● Technology is one of the most powerful forces shaping societies, companies, and individuals giving it a far-reaching socio-economic impact. The adoption of technology by developing countries has had profound effects on their economies, such as reducing the national costs of production, establishing standards for quality, and allowing individuals to communicate from a distance.

● Enhancing the knowledge and use of technology will not only assist with the economic and workforce development in communities but will have an effect on the way these communities use digital health and education tools and by default, will positively impact healthcare and education in these areas.

  • At MGIHD, our vision goes beyond getting people back to work. We focus on the whole person to develop the personal and professional skills they need to have an impact in their future roles and empower their communities.

    Our passion for technology fuels its integration into our training methods. We leverage strong relationships with our partner firms and our collective experience of several decades to deliver highly employable and well-trained populations to local employers.

  • Elevating local talent to bridge the digital divide through technology training & human development

  • The Global Tech Bridge Initiative (GTBI) is a collaboration of organizations who have come together to bridge the gap between technology and communities by providing technical support training and human development.

    We use a holistic approach to develop the whole person in order to enhance human capital and build resiliency within communities.

  • We move our members through our learning gateway, which provides:

    • Assessment

    • Cloud Platform Training

    • Citizen Developer Training

    • Job Readiness Skills

    Across these stages we provide them with the tools they need to dream and create the tools of the future.

    Communities of Practices


    Accelerating innovative education to expand consciousness across all human endeavors. Our focal points are global leadership, workforce development, and holistic wellness.


    Igniting an economic empowerment movement to self-liberate, invest, and create generational wealth to usher in the 4th industrial revolution.

    Global Think Tank

    Cultivating world-class leaders from young to old. We utilize the power of storytelling and oral tradition. Our pipeline of influential leaders spans across policy, industry, and media to rewrite history.

The Marcus Garvey

Pan-African Archive

“A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots.” ― Marcus Garvey

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Our Network Partners

Board of Directors

  • Julius W. Garvey, M.D., O.J.

  • Dr. Linda James Myers

  • Michael Dawson

  • Marcus A. Noel

  • Justin Moore, Esq.

  • Gabriel J. Christian, Esq

  • Earle Spencer Taylor

  • Carnelius Jones

  • Dr. Joyce King

  • Emmanuel Argo